TV. Mobile Phone. Laptop. Bed. Cuddly toy. These are all things that make a sizable difference to our lives, which made me think about the other little things that would just make life a little more dull without them.
1. Grantly Budgen from Waterloo Road.
Seriously, give this guy a medal. If he fails to remind you of one of your teachers at school then he’ll just make up for that with his dry humour and witty acting. His dancing is also something else. Best thing to ever happen to that show, no question.
2. Snow.
It’s the only thing that can make a binbag look even half decent, as well as transforming a concrete jungle into a winter wonderland. Not to mention that it reduces our country to a laughing stock when it implodes at the slightest amount. Sweden and Canada, please be sympathetic.
3. Peanut butter.
Whoever dreamed up this jar of pure goodness must have been blessed as a child. A year ago I used to hate the stuff, now I somehow love it. Whether it comes on toast, as Reese’s cups, KitKat chunkies or with jam, peanut butter definitely spreads some happiness in my life.
4. People watching.
So this could be seen as a diet version of stalking but be honest, who can’t resist a sneaky peek at what somebody is up to while you’re on a balcony or another suitable viewing point? You never know, you might catch them doing something disgusting.
5. Fraping.
Who cares if it’s childish? A lot of pleasure can be taken from a good frape. While some are just a waste of time, the really inventive and ridiculous ones can reduce a grown man to tears of laughter, especially if the unsuspecting victim doesn't realise for hours.
6. Seeing a celebrity in public.
I don’t know what it is but when we ‘normal people’ spot celebrities we go crazy at the sight of them. We’re always surprised at the fact they’re even walking in a normal place at a normal time amongst normal people, it’s as if we thought all the famous people lived in their own city. It’s useless trying to compose yourself when you see David Beckham in WH Smiths though. Be honest, you’d go mental.
7. Stumbling across old and cringy photos.
Okay, so forget about the initial embarrassment of realising how bad your bowl cut used to look and the fact those trackies weren’t as cool as you remembered, after that they are just plain hilarious. A humiliating picture from times gone by can unlock a cascade of banter and good memories.
8. Finding money on the floor.
Catching a glint of gold is just like being a leprechaun and finding the pot of coins at the end of the rainbow. Seeing a quid or more on the floor and we go wild. Spotting a note is like winning the jackpot, but you feel ten times luckier.
9. Flipping over to the cold side of the pillow.
For some reason this makes trying to get to sleep about a hundred times better and failing that, it just feels far more comfortable. If you’ve yet to try this phenomenon, I recommend you give it go on a hot summer’s night.
10. THAT afternoon nap.
I don’t care how much of an old man I sound, everyone’s done it and everyone loves it. It’s the ideal antidote to a hard day’s work, and the perfect chance to recharge your batteries before a night out. Amazing, right? Not if you’re so tired you oversleep so much you end up staying up haf the night trying to get to sleep again...
11. The traffic light turning green just as you approach it.
This is especially a brilliant moment when you’re running late somewhere and praying for a miracle to get there on time. You know it’s going to be a good day when other lights follow suit and go green, allowing you to drive through undisturbed.
12. Joining a queue right before it starts to get long.
Whenever this happens I’m always counting my lucky stars and thanking myself that I didn’t deliberate an extra couple of minutes over whether yet another pair of socks was the right present for my dad. Looking back at the long and winding line behind me feels like I’ve cheated the system somehow because I know, like times before, I’ll be at the back of it again one day.
13. Bubble wrap.
Whoever thought that this glorious invention that’s used to pad parcels out could provide such enjoyment to so many people? So it’s nothing more than a timewasting tool, but it’s addictive nature for such a lacklustre object serves to be somewhat satisfying.
14. The smell of freshly cut grass.
The sight of a guy on a lawnmower makes my nostrils weep with joy. It’s the definitive smell of summer and if it’s not summer, it makes you yearn for sunshine. I don’t know about you, but I feel a tinge of disappointment that I don’t have a picnic, a football and a few mates ready and waiting.
15. Finding something way after you’d stopped looking for it.
Discovering an item that has been lost in the abyss for a generation is like some sort of small triumph. We hold it high up in the air, pretend we’re Indiana Jones for just a second before wiping our brow with relief that it wasn’t gone forever.
16. Singing in the car on the way home.
Whether it be after a gig, completing a night out or just cruising round random roads, singing at the top of your voice with a bunch of friends is one of the most pleasing activities known to man. The screeching vocal cords of four people seem to oddly combine to make a weirdly beautiful choral sound. Well that’s what I like to believe anyway.
17. The moment a song you and your friends love comes on in a club.
It’s even better when you’ve actually requested the song, it feels like the DJ is agreeing with your music taste. Although beware of the crazy, uncontrollable dancing that consumes you and your mates when such a song is played, the best tunes always seem to bring out the worst dancing.
18. Coffee and bacon.
Probably the best breakfast food and drink combo in history. Yes, tea might run coffee a close second, but there’s nothing more satisfying than waking up to the smell of sizzling pork and then stuffing it in a bap dribbling with ketchup. Mmmm.
19. P’s and Q’s.
Please. Thank you. Yes, those three words do actually make a difference and it’s such a nice thing to hear when you’re either asked to do something or when you’ve done something well. Rudeness only begins to wrap its iron grip round you when you forget those words.
20. When a stranger laughs at a joke between you and your mate.
I don’t know why, but this always puts a smile on my face. I guess it’s just the fact that the banter between you and your friend can make someone laugh while you’re in a long queue, on a crowded tube train or even in the toilets. You never know, it could even cheer them up and make their day.
21. When your stomach changes it’s mind and actually does have room for dessert.
Yes, it’s that secret compartment in your belly that magically appears when dessert is on the cards. How is it that when you’re stuffed full from main course, bloated beyond belief with a food baby ready to pop out, your brain automatically changes it’s mind and says “Yeah, actually I reckon I can fit that brownie in!” I don’t know, but I don’t care either.
22. Ant & Dec.
Simply the reason why I watch Britain’s Got Talent and I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! year in, year out. The Geordie duo’s seamless witty conversation has entertained television audiences for over a decade now and long may it continue. Their cheeky chappie, charming nature has instilled them as Britain’s best loved TV presenters, and rightly so. Let’s get ready to rumble!
23. Acoustic music.
Rock, R’n’B and Pop all have their plus points. When I’m in the right mood they can all be my favourite music at different points, but there’s something about acoustic music that makes it extraordinarily charming. It seems to echo everyone’s feelings in one fell swoop and seems to unearth a million memories at the pluck of a string. It’s got to be good though, I mean look at Ed Sheeran, he’s a megastar and he’s ginger.
24. Waking up at exactly the same moment from every trip and knowing you’re almost home.
It’s weird how this always happens isn’t it? Personally I always wake up at the junction when we leave the M3, for no apparent reason. However, I do get great satisfaction from knowing I’ve cut out the whole journey by being in dream land, instead of staring at endless motorway.
25. Freshly baked bread.
The world is always a better place when bread is fresh out of the oven. It’s amazing smell is such a homely smell as well, reminding so many people of it wafting through their kitchens. The smell and taste of fresh bread is the sole reason why I considered ‘bread taster’ as a potential career choice.